Manage Your BPD with Online Therapy

Category: BPD Online Therapy | Last updated: February 1st, 2022 | Reviewed and approved by:

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is characterized by a pattern of unstable ways of seeing oneself, instability in moods and often having problematic and stormy relationships. People with BPD are often impulsive, reckless and have a strong fear of abandonment and rejection. Some will engage in self-destructive behaviors, such as drug abuse and self-harm like cutting themselves.

When suffering from BPD it is common to also experience other mental disorders like depression, eating disorders and addictions. If you recognize that you have these signs and symptoms, you might be suffering from BPD – but you can regain control of your life and emotions!

Our therapy for BPD is based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). With the help of CBT, you will learn to identify and challenge the automatic negative thoughts that underlie your inaccurate perception of yourself. Your therapist will help you to improve the way you interact with others as well as to reduce your mood and anxiety symptoms and your self-harming behavior. This will make it possible for you to live a more stable and harmonious life.

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Our online therapy services have received 3287 reviews and the average rating is 4.8 out of 5 stars.

Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"Extraordinarily user-friendly! I have no criticism whatsoever."


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"I found Katalin very understanding the whole way through my journey. I didn’t realise how much talking to Katalin would help the way it has, but once I started I found that the feed back I was getting was amazing it helped me understand where I was at and reasoning behind it. So I would recommend her to anyone. If you’re thinking of talking to someone about your personal issues she’s the lady. I’m so thankful as I feel like I’m on track and having that professional opinion helps you look at thing in a different way and focus on how to tackle obstacles a head."


Rating: [4 out of 5 stars!]

"It's been really helpful"


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"I am amazed at the quickness and sharpness of my therapist. She gets back to me quickly and always with insights and guidance and observations. It is a bit labor intensive with the worksheets and planning, but worth it!!!!!"


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"I deeply appreciated the comments that were made on the worksheets. I can already feel the way I think slowly shifting and becoming kinder to myself. This made me realize how many thought traps I fall victim to, and also made me realize that I had some measures before to counteract the negative thoughts. My therapist was really kind too and it was nice to read comments in my free time and not be restricted with when I filled out anything. I liked the journal because it would guide my thoughts and give me a glimpse of my day that I can look back on. As for the activity plan, I treat it more as a tentative schedule as my schedule and energy shifts throughout the day. Overall, I don't have any regrets choosing this platform to receive treatment and it was a nice first experience at therapy! Thank you for everything and I look forward to working on myself more with your help until I no longer need it."


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]



Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"Worksheets are good, live sessions are also very convenient and informative.
Receiving feedback from worksheets also increases their value.


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"The lecture opened an brand-new avenue for me to manage my emotion and daily life. Myself and my family will greatly benefit from what I have been taught. I have no doubt I will experience much happier life, more importantly, with my family.
Thank you very much!


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"I found your services very good and really was helpful in assisting me in dealing with my anger."


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"I have had a very positive experience so far. Thank you!"


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