Overcome Your GAD with Online Therapy

Category: GAD Online Therapy | Last updated: February 1st, 2022 | Reviewed and approved by:

Feeling agitated and anxious and becoming sad and tired due to pressure and setbacks is just natural. It is something that we all encounter in life. But if you feel that you can seldom or never control your anxiety and fear and that this has had long-term negative effects on your life, then you might be suffering from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

GAD is characterized by chronic worrying about basically every aspect of your life, including work, money, health and relationships. This can, in turn, lead to common anxiety symptoms like insomnia, tense muscles, headache, grinding of teeth, excess sweating, dry mouth, rapid heartbeat, stomach problems and a need to urinate more often.

Our therapy for GAD is based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). With the help of CBT and your therapist, you will learn how to identify the negative and irrational thoughts that cause your anxiety and replace them with positive and rational thoughts and behavior patterns. Using this GAD online therapy program you will learn relaxation techniques, problem solving strategies, ways to enhance your self-esteem and overcome your fears. Your therapist will help you to gradually expose yourself to situations that cause your worry, and eventually you will be able to do this feeling less anxious and with a greater sense of mastery. You will learn skills to take control over your worry, so you feel more empowered in life.

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Our online therapy services have received 3297 reviews and the average rating is 4.8 out of 5 stars.

Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"Lifesaver for me and my relationships."


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"This is not my first time trying therapy, but it's my first online attempt. It's also the first time I've had a therapist who really worked for me. She's great. The video calls are great, the additional material is great, I'm super happy. And if I hadn't found a good match, I could have pushed a button and changed. Fantastic"


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"I deeply appreciated the comments that were made on the worksheets. I can already feel the way I think slowly shifting and becoming kinder to myself. This made me realize how many thought traps I fall victim to, and also made me realize that I had some measures before to counteract the negative thoughts. My therapist was really kind too and it was nice to read comments in my free time and not be restricted with when I filled out anything. I liked the journal because it would guide my thoughts and give me a glimpse of my day that I can look back on. As for the activity plan, I treat it more as a tentative schedule as my schedule and energy shifts throughout the day. Overall, I don't have any regrets choosing this platform to receive treatment and it was a nice first experience at therapy! Thank you for everything and I look forward to working on myself more with your help until I no longer need it."


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"After only 3 days into this therapy program, I was able to reprogram my negative thoughts and gain control over my negative behaviors & reactions by replacing them with a newfound positive attitude and seeing my problems and obstacles in a whole new light.
I am now at the end of completion with this program, however, this is just the beginning of living the life I have always dreamed of ~ they say, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life!" and now that saying makes so much sense to me because I have been given All the tools and knowledge that I will live by and utilize on a daily basis for the rest of my life ~ these positive changes are so easy to achieve and have become a natural part of my healthy daily tasks, just like brushing my teeth and now including a dose of Yoga to my daily routine, improving my breathing and posture (Oxygen ~ It's a helluva drug!!! haha)!
I am also extremely grateful for my wonderful Therapist, Lee! ;-) I am beyond grateful for this entire program because it truly IS a lifelong game changer for a healthy, happy and wealthy life! If you can apply the teachings of this program to your daily life, You Can and Will be able to face any obstacle head on and succeed! (-:


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"I have been doing online therapy for 2 weeks now. I am already noticing that I am more aware of how I am feeling, and I have addressed more tough situations than I have before. I am also process past issues with and without the help of my online therapist. If you are considering starting I would highly recommend it for everyone. If you don't notice any change you can always cancel. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to a better you! Simply by looking at reviews for therapy services you are taking the first steps to becoming a better you."


Rating: [4 out of 5 stars!]

"Support when you need it most❤️"


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"The user interface of the website and the platform is very easy and straightforward to navigate."


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"I would highly recommend this online therapy program. I found the worksheets very useful, in the way that I saw myself where I was making mistakes, and that there is a alternative, more often than not, more realistic point of view of my problems. The therapist is clearly highly experienced and professional, very helpful with his knowledge and insights. He would respond very often, making sure that I am staying on the right track. I feel free to discus my issues, without the feeling of being judged."


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"I’ve found a lovely psychologist straight away. The worksheets are really thorough and I’ve already started to think about things differently in only a couple of months. I don’t have the best internet but I can still use the in person appointments with no problem"


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"Actually have a therapist who challenges me and helps me think outside the box."


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