Overcome Your Panic Attack with Online Therapy

Category: Panic Attack Online Therapy | Last updated: April 21st, 2023 | Reviewed and approved by:

Panic attacks are characterized by unexpected and repeated episodes of intense fear, accompanied by physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat, chest pains, tingling sensations in your body and difficulties breathing. With these symptoms, it is understandable that you might think you are having a heart attack and seek help at the emergency room.

Usually, it is not possible to predict when or where a panic attack will occur. Panic attacks are not dangerous but they are still extremely unpleasant experiences every time they happen. Some people experience feelings of unreality, depersonalization and fears of losing control or going crazy.

Our therapy for panic attacks is based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). With the help of CBT, you will learn how your body’s physical symptoms interact with your negative thinking patterns and behaviors to create and maintain your panic. This will help you to identify and change the distorted thinking and de-dramatize your symptoms and panics. With the guidance of your therapist, you will gradually expose yourself to and remain in situations that usually induce your panic attacks. Eventually you will be able to reverse the downward negative spiral and live your life free of anxiety and panic attacks.

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"I would highly recommend this online therapy program. I found the worksheets very useful, in the way that I saw myself where I was making mistakes, and that there is a alternative, more often than not, more realistic point of view of my problems. The therapist is clearly highly experienced and professional, very helpful with his knowledge and insights. He would respond very often, making sure that I am staying on the right track. I feel free to discus my issues, without the feeling of being judged."


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"Love it! Very pleased with the service."


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"My therapist Shelly is great and very helpful"


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"The best online platform I've tried"


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"Great so far"


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"I love the format. I feel like the worksheets gave my therapist and I opportunities to become familiar and established context and understanding before we ever had our first session."


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"This has dramatically improved my marriage and life."


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"Using online therapy, reading the questions and talking to my therapist every week has helped me be aware that I have problems, and that I constantly can be trying to deal with all my frustrations before the develop into a big problem and mess things up in my life."


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