Healthy Habits to Manage Weight

By |2017-03-15T18:57:57+02:00September 2nd, 2014|Categories: Everyday tips, Weight Loss|

No one wants to look plumpy or too skinny, right? We all want to look just fab!!! The word that is trending today is “healthy look”. But, how does one manage to stay healthy and look perfect? I think this question must have puzzled your mind too. Weight management is an art. If you have [...]

Online Treatment of Emetophobia – The Intense Fear of Vomiting

By |2023-08-31T22:41:06+02:00September 1st, 2014|Categories: Anxiety, Mental Health, Phobia, Treatment|

Have you seen someone extremely afraid of vomiting, sickness or feeling nauseated every time? The intense fear of vomiting, fear of throwing up in public, feeling pukish under stressful and anxiety-provoking conditions… is known as emetophobia. It is derived from the amalgamation of two Greek words, viz. εμετός or emesis meaning to vomit and [...]

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