Overcome Your OCD with Online Therapy

Category: OCD Online Therapy | Last updated: February 1st, 2022 | Reviewed and approved by:

Most of us have, at some time, felt uncertain about leaving the iron or the stove on and some have even gone home to check. This type of behavior is just normal and doesn't cause any damage or harm in one's life. However, if you have intrusive "what if" thoughts, and your need to perform these behaviors on a regular basis and they interfere with your daily life, then you might be suffering from OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder).

OCD is a condition marked by irrational beliefs (obsessions) and rituals (compulsions). The obsessions are recurrent, unwanted thoughts that are difficult or impossible for you to ignore and cause you anxiety. By performing repetitive, ritualized compulsions, you (temporarily) ease your anxiety. It may, for example, be that you often wash your hands very thoroughly, or check all the locks in your home. You may feel like you "have" to do these rituals. These thoughts and behaviors most likely take up a lot of your time and energy, causing you significant stress which can cause tension in your relationships and other aspects of your life.

Luckily there is hope, even if you have tried to stop your compulsions before and it has not been as successful as you would like. Our therapy for OCD is based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). With the help of CBT and your therapist, you will identify what triggers your OCD. You will learn how to face your obsessions and find ways to refrain from ritualizing. Eventually you will be able to face these triggers without the need to perform your normal rituals (like washing your hands several times in a row or checking the lights numerous times). You will discover how to replace these negative thoughts with more realistic ones. Eventually you will be in charge of the thoughts and behaviors that previously have been fueling your OCD, so that you can live life free from obsessions and compulsions.

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"Online therapy with Mr. Hayes has been great. I am getting some great breakthroughs and it’s super impactful. Overall have had a great experience."


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"Lifesaver for me and my relationships."


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"I have truly appreciated the support that has been offered throughout this program. i have been a part of this online-therapy program for about six months now and can honestly say it was the best decision I could have made. It has been a pillar of support as I navigate through some tougher parts of my past year."


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"Really helpful to me. Helps me be a better person."


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