Overcome Your Panic Attack with Online Therapy

Category: Panic Attack Online Therapy | Last updated: April 21st, 2023 | Reviewed and approved by:

Panic attacks are characterized by unexpected and repeated episodes of intense fear, accompanied by physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat, chest pains, tingling sensations in your body and difficulties breathing. With these symptoms, it is understandable that you might think you are having a heart attack and seek help at the emergency room.

Usually, it is not possible to predict when or where a panic attack will occur. Panic attacks are not dangerous but they are still extremely unpleasant experiences every time they happen. Some people experience feelings of unreality, depersonalization and fears of losing control or going crazy.

Our therapy for panic attacks is based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). With the help of CBT, you will learn how your body’s physical symptoms interact with your negative thinking patterns and behaviors to create and maintain your panic. This will help you to identify and change the distorted thinking and de-dramatize your symptoms and panics. With the guidance of your therapist, you will gradually expose yourself to and remain in situations that usually induce your panic attacks. Eventually you will be able to reverse the downward negative spiral and live your life free of anxiety and panic attacks.

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Our online therapy services have received 3286 reviews and the average rating is 4.8 out of 5 stars.

Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"After only 3 days into this therapy program, I was able to reprogram my negative thoughts and gain control over my negative behaviors & reactions by replacing them with a newfound positive attitude and seeing my problems and obstacles in a whole new light.
I am now at the end of completion with this program, however, this is just the beginning of living the life I have always dreamed of ~ they say, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life!" and now that saying makes so much sense to me because I have been given All the tools and knowledge that I will live by and utilize on a daily basis for the rest of my life ~ these positive changes are so easy to achieve and have become a natural part of my healthy daily tasks, just like brushing my teeth and now including a dose of Yoga to my daily routine, improving my breathing and posture (Oxygen ~ It's a helluva drug!!! haha)!
I am also extremely grateful for my wonderful Therapist, Lee! ;-) I am beyond grateful for this entire program because it truly IS a lifelong game changer for a healthy, happy and wealthy life! If you can apply the teachings of this program to your daily life, You Can and Will be able to face any obstacle head on and succeed! (-:


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"I have had a very positive experience so far. Thank you!"


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"Service has been great. Was easy to review all the therapist and find one that I am comfortable with."


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"I found your services very good and really was helpful in assisting me in dealing with my anger."


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"I am so grateful for the Online-Therapy.com program and Beth Lakes, who has been my Therapist since I signed up 2.5 mo ago. Beth is amazing because she cares, she listens and makes me feel understood, and she has helped me redirect my dysfunctional thoughts, and she shares so many valuable tools- and the key is to be in constant communication with the Therapist do the worksheets, activity plan, and write in the journal, I believe.
To get better takes courage and work, and it’s been challenging at times but it’s all worth it. I can see a change taking place in my thought patterns- and in my behavior. I feel more at peace- with controlling what I can control, and let go of everything else I can’t control. I have found a healthier way to deal with my emotions- especially with my anger who almost destroyed my marriage.


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]



Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"I would recommend this service to anyone. My therapist has been kind and considerate and never made me feel like I can't share. At the same time there's no pressure and she has enabled to deal with situations effectively. From dealing with anxiety to how to process others in my life. You can take your time and choose to share the level of deal you want. You don't ever feel judged, only supported no matter the issues spoken about. Some people find services like this as negative, but I also share when days as positive so we can find the route to creating less negative days. Highly recommended."


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]



Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"Tooba is great! Very practical and listens to all my concerns objectively. Really appreciate her advice and feedback"


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"So far this is very helpful."


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