Overcome Your GAD with Online Therapy

Category: GAD Online Therapy | Last updated: February 1st, 2022 | Reviewed and approved by:

Feeling agitated and anxious and becoming sad and tired due to pressure and setbacks is just natural. It is something that we all encounter in life. But if you feel that you can seldom or never control your anxiety and fear and that this has had long-term negative effects on your life, then you might be suffering from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

GAD is characterized by chronic worrying about basically every aspect of your life, including work, money, health and relationships. This can, in turn, lead to common anxiety symptoms like insomnia, tense muscles, headache, grinding of teeth, excess sweating, dry mouth, rapid heartbeat, stomach problems and a need to urinate more often.

Our therapy for GAD is based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). With the help of CBT and your therapist, you will learn how to identify the negative and irrational thoughts that cause your anxiety and replace them with positive and rational thoughts and behavior patterns. Using this GAD online therapy program you will learn relaxation techniques, problem solving strategies, ways to enhance your self-esteem and overcome your fears. Your therapist will help you to gradually expose yourself to situations that cause your worry, and eventually you will be able to do this feeling less anxious and with a greater sense of mastery. You will learn skills to take control over your worry, so you feel more empowered in life.

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Our online therapy services have received 3287 reviews and the average rating is 4.8 out of 5 stars.

Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"The lecture opened an brand-new avenue for me to manage my emotion and daily life. Myself and my family will greatly benefit from what I have been taught. I have no doubt I will experience much happier life, more importantly, with my family.
Thank you very much!


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"Using online therapy, reading the questions and talking to my therapist every week has helped me be aware that I have problems, and that I constantly can be trying to deal with all my frustrations before the develop into a big problem and mess things up in my life."


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"Bernadette is a genuine, caring and knowledgeable therapist who offers sound advice. She is truly down to earth and I am grateful for her support!"


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"Great counseling"


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"Very professional"


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"Vanessa is so easy to talk to and helped direct me forward. The worksheets are helpful."


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"Beth is there for me and helps me look at things from different perspectives. I feel more motivated than I have in a long time. I'm excited to continue to work with her."


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"My therapist makes me feel safe and comfortable. We have connected well."


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"I Love Mina So Much! She is very helpful and easy to WITH. She gives me ALOT of ways to EXAMINE MY LIFE SO THAT I CAN FIND HAPPINESS FOR “ME” FIRST. You don’t see that in a lot of therapists. Also, I don’t see her choosing sides. I would NEVER WANT OR ASK FOR ANOTHER THERAPIST.
Thanks Mina🩷


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"I feel April is very dedicated and brings up issues that we as couple therapy are there for. She gives each of us fair time to share and interact. Looking at all issues from the outside in."


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