Overcome Your Relationship Problems with Online Therapy

Category: Relationship problems | Last updated: October 18th, 2018 | Reviewed and approved by:

Do you and your partner always fight about the same things like money, whose turn it is to do the dishes or putting the kids to bed? Or do you recognize there is a problem in your relationship, but are not sure exactly what it is and how to go about fixing it? Having problems in a relationship normally stems from lack of communication, intimacy, trust or stress in your daily life.

No relationship is perfect. We all experience ups and downs. But if you feel that you need and want to reconnect with your partner, our online therapy is a great way to learn how you can work on building a strong long-term relationship with your partner.

Our relationship therapy is based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). To build a healthy relationship with your partner, you most likely need to improve your coping skills, communication skills, interpersonal skills and social skills – and make sure that these skills last! The relationship online therapy uses a wide range of research-supported strategies to help you find ways to develop and nurture a long-lasting relationship. Your therapist will guide you and give you the tools that you need to be able to deal with stressful events and the challenges that occur in a relationship.

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Our online therapy services have received 3300 reviews and the average rating is 4.8 out of 5 stars.

Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"The counselor that we were paired with has been one like no other. This is our 3rd platform, attempting marriage counseling and I can honestly say that it is the only one that has led us to meeting a counselor that put in the work and effort for us. Sessions don't consist of silence and awkward chat, they consist of structured conversations surrounding real life issues between our marriage to actually work on."


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"Easy affordable help!"


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"Have only had 2 sessions, but it's been a positive experience so far."


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"I have been enjoying the service so far, the pricing has been reasonable and working with Karen, my therapist, has been very helpful. She has been very personable and professional and the online sheets have been helpful as well, something lacking in it other online services I used."


Rating: [4 out of 5 stars!]

"my therapist has been a very good aide in asking the right questions to kick start my introspection on my current problems and issues. Very patient with my slow responses and a wonderful source of advice for corrective behavior."


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"I am amazed at the quickness and sharpness of my therapist. She gets back to me quickly and always with insights and guidance and observations. It is a bit labor intensive with the worksheets and planning, but worth it!!!!!"


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"I like this platform but it is expensive"


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"Working on finding a balance in motherhood and all of life's challenges has been a difficult task for me, as I have tried to wade through my personal trauma I have stumbled greatly through being a sense of peace and calm for my family. Working in the Online-Therapy platform has helped me grow and reaffirm a sense of self while given me the tools of mindfulness and gratitude. Online-therapy.com has been an easy resource to utilize and navigate, I am beyond grateful for what I have learned and am still learning."


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"I am a completely different person since working this therapy program! I wake up renewed and refreshed ~ my relationships with my loved ones have improved immensely ~ I handle all obstacles with a clear, cool, calm and collect manner and truly feel my personal power in a positive way!
Thank you for offering this program because it has changed my life and enlightened those around me! ;-)


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"I deeply appreciated the comments that were made on the worksheets. I can already feel the way I think slowly shifting and becoming kinder to myself. This made me realize how many thought traps I fall victim to, and also made me realize that I had some measures before to counteract the negative thoughts. My therapist was really kind too and it was nice to read comments in my free time and not be restricted with when I filled out anything. I liked the journal because it would guide my thoughts and give me a glimpse of my day that I can look back on. As for the activity plan, I treat it more as a tentative schedule as my schedule and energy shifts throughout the day. Overall, I don't have any regrets choosing this platform to receive treatment and it was a nice first experience at therapy! Thank you for everything and I look forward to working on myself more with your help until I no longer need it."


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