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The Online Therapy Program

At, we currently do not offer the option to put your subscription on hold. However, we understand that life can be unpredictable, and you may need to take a break from therapy for various reasons. To accommodate this, we have a straightforward process in place to ensure you can pause and resume your therapy seamlessly without losing any value.

Steps to pause your therapy

  1. Cancel your subscription: To prevent any unwanted charges, you should cancel your subscription first. This can be done easily through your account settings.
  2. Reactivating your subscription: When you’re ready to return to therapy, simply contact our support team. They will assist you by reinstating any unused pre-paid days to your account, ensuring that you don’t lose out on the time you’ve already paid for.
  3. Resuming therapy: Once your pre-paid days are used, you can re-subscribe to your previous plan or choose a new one that better fits your current needs.

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