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The Online Therapy Program


The Therapists

At, we understand the importance of building a stable and trusting relationship with your therapist. Once you sign up, we assign a personal therapist who will accompany you throughout your entire subscription.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Dedicated support: Your assigned therapist will be with you from the start to the end of your subscription, providing consistent support and getting to know your individual therapy needs deeply.
  • Building trust: Having the same therapist throughout your journey ensures a stable environment where trust can grow, making it easier to work through personal issues effectively.
  • Flexibility to change therapists: While continuity is key to effective therapy, we also recognize that finding the right therapist-client fit is crucial for your success. If you feel that a different therapist might be beneficial, you can change your therapist at any time. Simply go to "Your Therapist" in your dashboard and select a new one with just a click.

Are you ready to begin your therapy with a therapist who understands and supports your unique challenges? Sign up at to be matched with a therapist today.


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