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Many participants in our therapy programs are interested in receiving a certificate of completion, which can serve as proof of their commitment and progress.

To be eligible for a certificate of completion, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Premium subscription: You need to be enrolled in our Premium subscription plan, which offers comprehensive support and resources.
  • Active participation: Stay actively involved in the program for at least four consecutive weeks. This involves responding to worksheets or messages every weekday (Monday through Friday).
  • Live sessions: Complete a minimum of four live sessions (phone, audio, or video) during the four-week period.

Counselor approval

After meeting the above requirements, the issuance of your certificate is contingent upon the approval of your assigned counselor. They will assess your engagement and progress throughout the program to determine if a certificate can be issued.

Requesting your certificate

If you meet all the requirements and wish to receive a certificate, please reach out to your counselor to request it. They will guide you through the process and provide any additional information needed.

Ready to prove your progress?

Enroll in our Premium subscription and actively engage in your therapy journey to qualify for a certificate of completion. This certificate can be a valuable asset for your personal and professional growth.


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