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Evidence-based – based on proven, well-researched treatments within the cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) approach. Read more about CBT online »

Qualified & experienced therapists - our therapists have a wide range of credentials (academic degrees, licenses or certifications). Katrina Bowen (LPC), the head of our therapists, has, together with the team, helped thousands of people to overcome their difficulties. Read all reviews »

Fully supported - it is much more than just chat (which many other companies offer). Our services include daily contact with your therapist, easy-to-follow structured information and tools such as the activity plan and your daily journal, follow-ups to see your progress, yoga & meditation videos and weekly tips on our blog.

Affordable - with our services, you get full support from your therapist. For the same price, you would normally not be able to meet with a face-to-face therapist.

Accessible & time saving - there is no need to travel to your therapist’s office. You can get help from wherever you are in the world.

Private & anonymous - you do not need to expose yourself face-to-face in the waiting room or in a therapist’s office, which some people find very unpleasant.

Secure & confidential - your work is transferred end-to-end encrypted to our secure server, where only you and your therapist can access it.


The Online Therapy Program


The Therapists


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